Røros Natural Parks. Holtålen

Røros is popular not only as a historic mining town, but also for its surroundings. Beautiful landscapes and nature untouched by civilization attract ecotourism lovers.

Røros, nature park

There are numerous hiking and cycling trails, as well as rivers and lakes for boating and kayaking. Although the surrounding area of Røros is famous for record-breaking frosts, average temperatures in winter are quite comfortable for skiing, snowmobiling and dog sledding.

Røros, nature park

In addition to the natural beauty, you can get a closer look at the life of local farmers. Travel companies offer travelers a vacation in real rural houses, where you can communicate with the owners at home, taste traditional peasant cuisine and join the daily peasant life.

Røros, nature park

Recently, you can organize such an adventure yourself, many farmers invite guests through Airbnb, Booking and other resources - the Internet has long reached these sparsely populated places.

Røros, nature park

Modern Norwegian farmers ' homes are well-maintained, comfortable to live in and not without appeal.

Røros, nature park

Owners of old estates, on the contrary, try to preserve the authentic appearance of buildings. Here you can find such exotic things as living in an earthen house.

Røros, nature park

On our way to Trondheim, we pass through the municipality of Holtålen, where the Geula River originates, as well as part of the Forålhogna National Park.


The village of Ålen, which has only a couple of thousand inhabitants, is a cluster of farms scattered around the neighborhood and, nevertheless, has a full-fledged infrastructure, including an excellent stadium.
